About the Author.
Current celebrator of the LA sun, by way of the seasonal Northeast, Whitney Mixter is a notable activist and entertainer, as well as a voice for the the LGBTQ+ community. Whitney has always felt the power that comes with being able to convey a message to the masses by tapping in to the true essence of humanness through storytelling, humor, humility, and ultimately love.
Upon becoming a mother she watched the way her son Mecca observed the world and the magic that he found in everything. From the dance of a blade of grass to the exuberant celebration of a passing garbage truck, the amount of daily lessons that could be found in simply being present to what we often fade out as adults, ignited a passion in being a vessel to help other families create more connectedness through conversation and understanding.
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Mecca Moon & The Love Universe seeks to help children identify and process emotional concepts using vivid storytelling and relatable themes. It is with true belief that children are not only capable of understanding, but also thrive when provided the tools and language to better communicate and process thoughts and feelings.
The Love Universe is slated to be the first of many with its focus on painting the picture of what love is and ultimately that it can be found in, and in fact is, everything including them. The book is elevated by the joyful musical component found on the last page which can be easily played with a QR code. This element provides an additional modality for children who absorb information in alternative ways, or simply creates a magical moment when drifting off to sleep.